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Showing posts from 2014

The New Girl

SENSATIONALLY NEW Did I ever mention that I changed school quiet recently?... Well actually not that recent, its been two months.  In April being the new awkward yet trying to be a chirpy friendly sorts of girl at school and in May just being absolutely bored during summer holidays sorts of girl. It's June now and in about 3 weeks we are expected to come back to school and do our stuff (sounds a bit funny that way).  I have changed school numerous times usually because I have changed my address numerous times. And every time I changed my school I have always felt shy, uncomfortable and felt like what-the-hell-am-I-doing-here. The most awkward part is when people they just stare at you and make you feel as if you are being judged (which you are being...) and make you super conscious of your appearance, body language and how you communicate and sometimes just to be accepted in your own surroundings you tend to lose or hide your identity. But how to avoid that? The ans...